Ron Davis  

Bunker Blast by Ron Davis

February 2025 - Bunker Blast

About the Image(s)

In Melbourne during the summer months professional golf tournaments are held. Bunker Blast was taken at a local golf course women's international event. Local players, Europeans and Asian players being the competitors. I thought taking bunker photographs would be easy but this one was the only fairway shot I could get side on. I tried to take the shot on a slower shutter speed 1/160 to capture the sand and the ball flying from the players club but at sufficient speed to capture the players features which I achieved. The photo has a hazy look but being blasted out of a bunker I expected this.

Canon 5D Mk III Canon EF 100-300mm F8 shot at 272 mm, 160/1, ISO 100. Processing Topaz AI Photo: Sharpening Denoiseraw, exposure. Photoshop Auto Tone.


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