At the women and men’s Penn State basketball games during timeouts the Penn State dance team members come out to keep the fans entertained. The dance team members are known for doing a high kicking routine which usually ends in them performing in unison a split. At my advanced age I would find it somewhat difficult to get up from such an exercise. I like the expressions on these ladies faces.
Camera Settings:
Creation Date: 11/20/2024 Camera: Canon, Camera Model: Canon EOS R6, Shutter Speed: 1/2500, Aperture f/3.2, ISO 4000, Canon 70 – 200 F 2.8 lens @ 142 mm
Post processing:, Normal LR adjustments and straightening. Sharpening and denoise using Topaz Photo AI.
3 comments posted
Leslie Larson
This is a nice one. Colors good, focus good, action good, and expressions good. Nothing to complain about with this one.   Posted: 02/11/2025 15:59:16
Subhash Sapru
Very interesting image.The facial expressions of the entertainers are well captured and so good is the angle.   Posted: 02/16/2025 07:14:38
Ardeth Carlson
You really captured these dance team members in a moment of perfect synchronous kicks! Their facial expressions are enthusiastic and make a great shot.   Posted: 02/18/2025 18:11:23