Subhash Sapru, APSA, PPSA  

Nap Time by Subhash Sapru, APSA, PPSA

February 2025 - Nap Time

February 2025 - Subhash Sapru, APSA, PPSA


About the Image(s)

Technical Specifications - Camera Nikon Z 6 lll, Lens Nikon Z 85 mm f/1.8, Aperture f/1.8, Shutter speed 1/100, Focal length 85 mm, Exposure compensation -0.7.
Accompanied by my wife, I recently visited Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The image was made while travelling in a ferry. While most of the passengers got down at some islands on the way, my attention was drawn towards a father and son enjoying nap. To me it was interesting to capture this moment of high emotional impact in the little natural light that was coming in through the round glass windows.
I made a few shots by changing camera settings and later one of these was converted into black and white. I also tried to minimize the impact of light that was coming in through windows. Down loaded the image and processed in photoshop.

3 comments posted

Leslie Larson   Leslie Larson
The black and white version works much better. The contrasts and shapes are far more interesting. If possible, you could delete the head in the foreground? Really like the B&W, not so much the color one.   Posted: 02/11/2025 15:57:39

Leslie Larson   Leslie Larson
Interesting that your original color version is now the one not featured. Your B&W is very well done.   Posted: 02/16/2025 11:29:53

Ardeth Carlson   Ardeth Carlson
I think evokes a feeling of tenderness. I do prefer the B&W, and I especially like the lighting on the child's face. I agree that if possible, it would be good to crop out as much of the head of the man in the foreground as possible.   Posted: 02/18/2025 18:18:59


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