Tom Brott  

The monkey cruise by Tom Brott

February 2025 - The monkey cruise

About the Image(s)

While in Costa Rica we went on a monkey cruise through the mangroves. The monkeys are wild but are use to people and tours daily. This monkey hopped in the boat jumped on top of my head and jumped into the lady’s lap behind us and settled in for 5 minutes before leaving. Sorry about the top of her head missing but we were in very close and tight area with the boat’s seating.
Taken with a cell phone.

7 comments posted

Leslie Larson   Leslie Larson
The distortion in this shot is disconcerting. Her giant knee, the squished people and monkey. The idea was good, but it was just too close for your phone. The other people are missing heads too. Interesting and fun moment for you, but not your best submission...IMO. Sorry to be so blunt.   Posted: 02/08/2025 17:42:31

Tom Brott   Tom Brott
I am not sure what happened to the image. I sent it to Jennifer straight out of the cell phone and boy did it get distorted somewhere in a transfer. Here is the image from a redo in Photoshop. The top of heads are cut off as it was taken quick but I just thought it was a fun photo showing a lot of emotion and something different and I had never planned this image for any type of competition.   Posted: 02/09/2025 10:44:19
Comment Image
Leslie Larson   Leslie Larson
wow, quite a difference. much better!   Posted: 02/10/2025 16:39:46

Ron Davis   Ron Davis
Hi Tom. Yes the distortion in the photo is noticeable and the second version appears normal. A fun shot taken in an out of the way location capturing a moment in time that is not easy to repeat, a monkey on my lap, so have to accept what you get.   Posted: 02/10/2025 16:03:37

Jen Fawkes   Jen Fawkes
Hi Tom, not sure what has happened here, I'm on the road until tomorrow night and I'll have another go at the upload.
sorry....   Posted: 02/11/2025 03:51:54

Jen Fawkes   Jen Fawkes
Hi Tom, managed to fix this (the image dimensions were too big so it got distorted). There is a lovely story here of the women holding the monkey as though it were her child. Nice expressions on the women, although the image is just a little tight for me as I'd like to see more of the women, (but you did mention that). The phone has done a good job with the colors as well.

  Posted: 02/13/2025 13:40:31

Muthoni Ngatia   Muthoni Ngatia
I found the monkeys face to be the most interesting, he's so comfortable. Must have been a fun trip!   Posted: 02/21/2025 08:40:27


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