Lisa Cirincione, QPSA, AFIAP  

Midnight Diner by Lisa Cirincione, QPSA, AFIAP

February 2024 - Midnight Diner

About the Image(s)

The Midnight Diner: On a walk home one evening, saw this quaint diner, full of people. It was the still the days of Covid, but there were still a lot of people out on the streets enjoying the Olympic events and late night dinners.
I didn’t have time that night to stop and eat there, and paraphrasing Robert Frost, “knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should every come back.”

LR editing: small crop of some of the street… not much else.

Date: August 7, 2021
Place: Tokyo, Japan
Camera: iPhone XS Max

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6 comments posted

Sylvie Tas   Sylvie Tas
Love this photo as it truly captures the essence of the city.
I have taken similar photos, which I cropped to just the diner at street level, but this interpretation is very nice as well. Very well balanced.   Posted: 02/03/2024 15:45:13
Lisa Cirincione   Lisa Cirincione
thank you Sylvie... I liked the ad and the photo of the food at the top of the building. and the purple lighted window in the middle, gives a little mystery of who lives there. And how they smell this delicious food all the time.   Posted: 02/27/2024 11:40:10

Zhicai Ren   Zhicai Ren
It seems that the restaurant's business is pretty good. You can see so many people sitting around it at midnight outdoors   Posted: 02/11/2024 08:20:42
Lisa Cirincione   Lisa Cirincione
yes, in the middle of covid, it was very busy...   Posted: 02/27/2024 11:40:33

Gary Walter   Gary Walter
A very nice capture of an interesting subject. I think there might be some lens distortion in the building. I made a copy and corrected this using the transform function in Lightroom. Also added a linear gradient along the bottom to try and improve the lighting and contrast.   Posted: 02/11/2024 10:27:02
Comment Image
Lisa Cirincione   Lisa Cirincione
thanks Gary, there probably was some distortion, I had moved the perspective of my original to make the building to be a bit more straight. in your crop, the building is straight, but it cuts off the bit at the top that I like...   Posted: 02/27/2024 11:44:48