Shirley Bormann, APSA, EPSA  

Backstreet, Bruges by Shirley Bormann, APSA, EPSA

February 2024 - Backstreet, Bruges

About the Image(s)

We took a tour with a private guide through some of the backstreets of Bruges which was quite interesting. This photo could probably have been taken in Amsterdam too as the architecture is similar.

Bike on Backstreet Bruges
1/100 sec F/11 ISO 200

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7 comments posted

Michael Smith   Michael Smith
Shirley, I love your photograph. The bicycle adds so much to the photograph. I have never been to Bruges, and if you hadn't identified it, I would have said that you took this in Amsterdam! I like the way the building on the left leads my eye towards the canal and the buildings on the right. The exposure, depth of field and color balance are excellent. Nice job.   Posted: 02/13/2024 13:37:45

Rich Krebs   Rich Krebs
Yes, I have a similar image in Amsterdam. I would have liked to see more of the building on the left but maybe it was not that interesting. The buildings in the center have more interest but no bike. I think a landscape image would have more to see??   Posted: 02/18/2024 13:52:53

Esther Steffens
This image is very appealing and I find myself going back for another look. I like the shuttered windows, the bicycle and the canal that leads to the building at the end. Overall, it is an excellent travel image.   Posted: 02/20/2024 21:32:32

N. Sukumar   N. Sukumar
I like your vertical composition here with the bicycle in the foreground, the canal and lines of buildings on either side leading the viewer's eyes to the arched bridge in the background.   Posted: 02/21/2024 11:28:09

David Stout   David Stout
Well spotted Shirley, the bicycle holds attention then the eye takes in the city vista - especially the canal. Bruges is a truly magical place to visit - and your image certainly proves that!   Posted: 02/22/2024 14:24:50

Judy Burr   Judy Burr
Very nice and certainly shows travel. I love the buildings on the right side and would like to see more of them. The bike is the center of interest and is well placed. The building on the left is not straight and that is a bit distracting. I straightened it a bit, but that cuts off some on the right side.   Posted: 02/25/2024 13:35:45
Comment Image

Lisa Cirincione   Lisa Cirincione
(Group 2)
Love bikes! a bike makes any photo more interesting to me. I like Judy's straightening, I would have suggested that too.   Posted: 02/27/2024 12:13:08