Rich Krebs  

Kauai coast by Rich Krebs

February 2024 - Kauai coast

About the Image(s)

Taken 1/23/11 in Hawaii. Kauai coastline D90, 1/250, f8, iso 400, 26mm. We were on a boat cruise along the coast of Kauai.

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5 comments posted

Michael Smith   Michael Smith
Rich, I have not been to Kuai, but if you hadn't identified it, I think that I would have guessed the location from what I have read. This really shows how the volcanic eruptions flowed to the ocean. I assume that you handheld the camera and the sea was flat to allow decent sharpness. I am curious as to why you shot this at f8 instead of something like f16.   Posted: 02/13/2024 14:01:52

N. Sukumar   N. Sukumar
The Naapali coast is really spectacular. This is a view I haven't seen; we hiked the Nuololo trail way up above the coast, took in the view of Waimea canyon, and drove a short way along the Naapali coast. The difference between the north and south shores is incredible. The interplay of light and shadows in this image is interesting. Something to anchor the eyes would good.   Posted: 02/21/2024 11:15:52

Esther Steffens
I have not been to Kauai but I know from this and a number of other photos, that it is beautiful! There certainly isn't much between the water and the mountains which makes this view interesting. I take a lot of landscapes and have learned that many of my photos need a point that stands out, something to focus on. I would like to see such a point here. Without it, is still a lovely photo with interesting shadows.   Posted: 02/21/2024 22:49:40

David Stout   David Stout
This image shows the rocks and cliffs with very good light that gives good shape and shadows - the textures on the volcanic rock face just right of centre are wonderful.
To concentrate on that beautiful light I suggest a trim top and bottom, this makes the island much more prominent in the frame.   Posted: 02/22/2024 14:43:57
Comment Image

Judy Burr   Judy Burr
It has been ages since we were in Kauai, but we did take a helicopter flight over the island. That is a great way to see it. This shows the rugged terrain well. It is quite different from the other islands. Using an ND filter would have helped the sky as it is bright compared to the terrain. It certainly shows location.   Posted: 02/25/2024 13:53:38