Esther Steffens  

Palouse by Esther Steffens

February 2024 - Palouse

About the Image(s)

In June 2023, I joined the Awake the Light photography workshop to the Palouse in WA. This is a distinct geographic region of northwestern states. (Parts of Idaho, Washington and Oregon) Mostly legumes and wheat are grown in this agricultural area. I saw a photo of this region a number of years ago in my camera club and it was at the top of my list for places to visit! I was not disappointed! In addition beautiful farmland, the are a number of old cars and abandoned buildings.

Canon 90D
Tamron 16-300 mm at 31mm
1/500 at f8
ISO 100

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8 comments posted

Shirley Bormann   Shirley Bormann
I bet that was a wonderful workshop. The barn looks like it is barely standing or at least barely has a roof on which adds interest to the photo. We have only been to the Palouse several times in fall and it looks so much different in green. The blowing grass in front gives a good foreground and the background is lovely. Nice composition and sharp image, Esther.   Posted: 02/08/2024 16:02:35
Esther Steffens
I would like to see the Palouse in autumn. From photos, I am fascinated about how different they are. Somewhat like late spring and early autumn in the East but I grew up with this. My time in WA. and OR. in June was wonderful!
Thanks for your critique!
  Posted: 02/08/2024 21:16:18

Michael Smith   Michael Smith
Esther, what a great photograph. I love the contrast of the roughness of the barn against the smoothness of the fields behind. I have got to go to the Palouse! The exposure, depth of field, and exposure are excellent. Wonderful composition! The sky really adds to overall feeling. The light patch just to the right of the barn is a nice contrast to the deep green of the rest of the vegetation and the grass in the foreground also adds a nice contrast to smoothness of the hillside. Nicely done!   Posted: 02/13/2024 14:08:55

Rich Krebs   Rich Krebs
Boy, what is holding the old barn up. Great image of the barn, farmland and rolling hills. The sky and clouds are very interesting. It was really green.   Posted: 02/18/2024 13:59:14

N. Sukumar   N. Sukumar
Great image with foreground grasses, barn in the middle ground and rolling hills in the background. One feels for the sad old barn!   Posted: 02/21/2024 11:04:21

David Stout   David Stout
Your image shows the classic rolling landscape of the Palouse, and I like how the tree line leads the eye to the centre piece of your composition - that rickety old barn.
A fine example of a landscape that has strong PT content.   Posted: 02/22/2024 14:29:06

Judy Burr   Judy Burr
Excellent image. In two trips to the area, I missed this old barn--it is my kind of subject. Well done all around--great sky and lines. I did a tour in June and spent time there before and during the PSA Conference in 2019. The entire area is full of photo ops. Well done.   Posted: 02/25/2024 13:58:06
Esther Steffens
I think it is one of my most memorable areas even though it isn't as dramatic as many scenic places. I wouldn't mind a second trip!   Posted: 02/26/2024 21:10:02