Judy Burr, APSA, MPSA  

North Point Light House by Judy Burr, APSA, MPSA

February 2025 - North Point Light House

About the Image(s)

I used an OlympusEM5 Mark II and 12-100mm lens at =24mm. SS was 1/500, aperture f 9, ISO 250. It was built in 1888 in Milwaukee, WI. There are lighthouses in many places so I would like opinions on whether this could go as a travel image.

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7 comments posted

Michael Smith   Michael Smith
Judy, it is a very nice image of an interesting light house. I'm not sure if it qualifies as a travel image, as it could be located many places, but the style of the house to says northern or northeastern U. S., so maybe so. Very nicely framed and shot and very pleasant to look at.   Posted: 02/22/2025 09:57:10

N. Sukumar   N. Sukumar
Although I lived in Milwaukee for a year, I've never seen this photo of the lighthouse with no hint of the lake. So this is interesting for me, as it looks like a perfectly normal suburban or rural villa, complete with lawn and driveway, but with a lighthouse in place of a kennel.   Posted: 02/23/2025 10:54:57

Judy Burr   Judy Burr
It is interesting that you once lived in Milwaukee. I had lots of relatives there years ago, but most are gone there. We never had much chance to see things since we were visitin relatives. We spent time there a few years ago and took a cruise on the Milwaukee River and into Lake Michigan. We found quite a few lighthouses in the area. If you search, you can find lots of information. It was placed near the entrance to the river.   Posted: 02/23/2025 17:06:36
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Shirley Bormann   Shirley Bormann
Judy, this is a nice image of the North Point Lighthouse in Milwaukee. Since I grew up no too far away from there, I do recognize it but I'm not sure that it gives as much a sense of place about it as judges may like. It is nicely composed and framed by trees and sharp and a lovely photo.   Posted: 02/23/2025 22:23:41

Esther Steffens
Many lighthouses do not show an exact sense of place but I assume they all were once overlooking water. I know they have moved a number. To me, they do denote travel. I am most familiar with the ones on Cape Cod and to many the Cape is a destination for travel. This is a well composed and attractive image.   Posted: 02/24/2025 23:26:29

David Stout   David Stout
A very well taken scene, I particularly like the modelling light on the tower and buildings, to me this is PT as this style of lighthouse architecture is a typical style unique to the NE of the USA - as pointed out by Michael.
On a photographic note, I suggest a crop of the left side to make the main subject much more dominant in the frame.   Posted: 02/25/2025 05:43:29
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Rich Krebs   Rich Krebs
Another great image showing the area. I like Davids crop.   Posted: 02/25/2025 14:21:08