Phyllis Peterson  

Vaporetto View of St Mark's Square by Phyllis Peterson

June 2024 - Vaporetto View of St Mark's Square

About the Image(s)

Equipment Used: Camara: Nikon D300s, Lens: Nikkor 18-105mm,
Camera Settings: Shutter: 1/80 sec, Aperture: f/29, ISO 1250,
Lighting: Cloudy
Post-processing steps: Lightroom edits on exposure, white and black point, vibrance, clarity
Accessories: none

The photo was taken on a cruise to Italy. Cruise ship afforded a view of St Mark's Square.
I made sure that there was a Vaporetto (Water Taxi) in the frame. There was a marathon running race
happening along the Grand Canal. You can see the activities surrounding the event in St. Mark's Square.

I liked the light on the buildings, the bright colors and the viewpoint of the entire scene.

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10 comments posted

Carolyn Todd-Larson   Carolyn Todd-Larson
This is a different view of Venice for sure. The reds on the Vaporetto, in the marathon, and on the tower stand out to me. I wish the sky had something more to offer, as there is a lot of sky.   Posted: 06/15/2024 09:46:02

Laurie Bergner   Laurie Bergner
This is such a pretty image. I think I'd like more on the right, where the boat is headed, but it's also true that the sky is not great and that might mean too much sky that's pretty empty and uninteresting.   Posted: 06/16/2024 15:52:20

David Somali-Chow   David Somali-Chow
You capture the Vaporetto (Water Taxi) in the foreground and the moving boats as the midground, with beautiful buildings and people in the background, making the image attractive. However, I wish there was more space on the right where the Water Taxi is heading and a little more space on the left.   Posted: 06/17/2024 06:21:51
Phyllis Peterson   Phyllis Peterson
Thanks for you comments! I wish I could go back and get more space on the right, but I don't think it's possible.   Posted: 06/25/2024 00:45:15

John Larson   John Larson
This image definitely fits the travel definition. I brought the image into Photoshop and used the Detail Extractor from Nik to see if I could brighten the image a little and bring out some of the detail that was there in the sky, obviously without replacing the sky. I like the brighter image.   Posted: 06/22/2024 13:27:39
Comment Image
Phyllis Peterson   Phyllis Peterson
The improvements you made to the sky were terrific! I also like the detail you were able to pull out in NIK. I have Nik so I can replicate what you did. I like it brighter, also. Thanks so much for your suggestions!   Posted: 06/25/2024 00:43:35

Pinaki Sarkar   Pinaki Sarkar
Like the light and colors. Has a yesteryears color sense on the image. Like the boat movements,brings dynamism in the image. Nice work.   Posted: 06/24/2024 20:27:19
Phyllis Peterson   Phyllis Peterson
Thanks for you comments!   Posted: 06/25/2024 00:43:58

Tom Tauber   Tom Tauber
Other commentators have noted that it would be nice to see more of the doge's palace on the right. However, the campanile required a vertical shot. This might have been a good place to do a panorama. An iPhone would have produced a great one without any motion blur.   Posted: 06/26/2024 13:38:38
Phyllis Peterson   Phyllis Peterson
Good idea! It would have been a good opportunity for an iPhone panorama! Thanks for suggestion!   Posted: 06/26/2024 15:16:51