Laurie Bergner

March 2025 - Holy Sadhu painting his face.
About the Image(s)
I traveled to India to see the Kumbh Mela gathering in 2019. You can see from this image what an incredible scene it was! It's the world's largest gathering, with something like 240 million people over a month there. Many are pilgrims, and the holy sadhus gather there to enjoy each other's company, smoke weed, and bless the many pilgrims who flock to see them.
ISO 400, 16 mm, f/5.6, 1/320 sec.
1 comment posted
I like how you moved in close on one of the pilgrims who was applying his face paint in the field to get ready for the gathering. Very dramatic! The suggestions I have are minor: crop to allow room at the top of the man's head, the horizon line appears to drop down at the left, and a rain (?) spot to the right of the man. Nice job!   Posted: 03/09/2025 12:51:45