Pinaki Sarkar  

ISCON Temple Detroit , Michigan. by Pinaki Sarkar

December 2022 - ISCON Temple Detroit , Michigan.

About the Image(s)

F2.8,1/100,ISO 1100,24mm.
Shot handheld, Processed through Topaz Denoise. Metering: Pattern

The details of the temple , its history are available in the following URL.

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9 comments posted

Carolyn Todd-Larson   Carolyn Todd-Larson
Very interesting. Image is compelling. I visited the site and it brought back memories of Hare Krishna people I would encounter in Boston or New York...what happened to that whole movement? I would have liked you to describe more why you chose this photo and what you found interesting about the temple rather than just referring us to the website.   Posted: 12/10/2022 17:34:13
Pinaki Sarkar   Pinaki Sarkar
I happened to be at Detroit for some work and was looking for some interesting place to take some photo (have an interesting half a day). Photography was allowed here, which usually is not the case in most of the Hindu temples in India, so I tried to make the most of the opportunity. That's about it.   Posted: 12/18/2022 19:10:05

Phyllis Peterson   Phyllis Peterson
Very nice shot, very symmetrical. I would like to see more enhanced color and contrast. It appears a bit washed out to me.   Posted: 12/11/2022 18:53:10
Pinaki Sarkar   Pinaki Sarkar
I thought about your point but the danger to that is handling so many colors that are equally looking for attention. Saturation did not work though. Contrast would not help maybe I should have reduced the highlights a bit? but then again, the image does not have many highlights.   Posted: 12/18/2022 19:07:01

Margaret Sprott   Margaret Sprott
Interesting place that I never knew was there (and we lived in Pontiac for a few years). I like the composition but agree with Phyllis about it looking washed out. I am amazed you could get it this sharp while hand holding.   Posted: 12/11/2022 21:18:34

David Somali-Chow   David Somali-Chow
That is an interesting shot; I agree with our friends regarding color enhancement and contrast.   Posted: 12/16/2022 05:46:11

Dr. Isaac Vaisman   Dr. Isaac Vaisman
(Group 4)
Pinaki, very interesting and multicolor image. I used the new adjustment brush in ACR select object and reduced the brightness and added some contrast without affecting the background   Posted: 12/24/2022 13:46:52
Comment Image

David Stout   David Stout
(Group 3)
I like Isaac`s suggestion, and your symmetry is spot on.   Posted: 12/26/2022 10:35:20

John Larson   John Larson
Very colorful and sharp throughout. Interesting that it is easier to get a closeup in Detroit and not in India. Very nice for a hand held shot. Isaac's adjustment has some merit.   Posted: 12/27/2022 10:16:54