Gloria Grandolini  

Puglia Blue by Gloria Grandolini

July 2024 - Puglia Blue

About the Image(s)

I took this picture in Puglia, Italy last year. Unfortunately the weather was awful most of the trip.I hope the beautiful blue of the boats makes up for the white sky…This was shot in the small town of Monopoli.This is the old Port, home of the “gozzi”, the typical local boats painted in blue or red. The Castle on the background was built by Charles the V in the 1500s. In this image I wanted to convey the beauty of the small towns of Puglia, and how ancient buildings and fishing traditions are still alive and well today.
Shot with Canon R5
31 mm with RF 24-105 F4 L IS USM lens
1/100 sec f/22
ISO 1250 handheld (with umbrella too…)
I look forward to your suggestions.

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6 comments posted

Richard Distlerath   Richard Distlerath
equivalent exposure triangles - but are the images equal?
1/100sec f22 iso 1250
1/100 sec f14 iso 625
1/100 sec f11 iso 312
1/100 sec f8 iso 156
The sweet spot for focus on your lens is between f8 and f11. Here is where your lens will provide the sharpest photo.
The lower f stop allows a reduction in iso value which usually results in less noise.
The f22 although providing the greatest depth of field actually will bend the light and result in less sharpness. F22 is commonly used to created the sunburst effect.
I probably would have taken the same photo at 1/60 sec f8 iso 100 and adjusted exposure value (EV) to move the histogram if needed.
There are strong leading lines in this photo. Where do they take your eye?
Would it be possible to take the photo from a lower position and move the camera out away from the dock? This may eliminate much of the sky that you did not like.
Would it be possible to move back to where the entire third row of boats would be in the frame? The boats are beautiful and I'd love to see a few of them up close.
I love the blues and reds. The wet weather helps with the satuaration of colors in this image. The central theme of this image is very strong.

  Posted: 07/10/2024 08:18:50
Gloria Grandolini   Gloria Grandolini
Hi Richard, thank you. Very useful- f/22 was not my first choice, I was just rushed and the rain did not help... I will look at other versions of the photo I took.   Posted: 07/23/2024 15:24:52

Rizwan Choudhry   Rizwan Choudhry
Color of the boats is really appealing. I would crop the sky out as it doesn't add any interest in the scene (that's just my opinion). Also add some vibrance to the stone/brick walls and add more contrast to make look it moody. Here's my edit.   Posted: 07/17/2024 19:53:00
Comment Image
Gloria Grandolini   Gloria Grandolini
Thanks Rizwan, I see your point. I agree on the sky, however the castle is really a defining site for Monopoli so I am not sure about such an extensive crop. I will try to fix the sky a bit.   Posted: 07/23/2024 15:26:59

Karen Sharpe   Karen Sharpe
I agree with what the others have said. The boats are vibrant and colorful and I would love to see them as more of a centerpiece of this photo. The top half of the photo is less appealing with the exception of the arched facades on the middle building. Maybe including more of the front row of boats and cropping the topmost row would be preferred over cropping the front and keeping the back.   Posted: 07/17/2024 20:30:42
Gloria Grandolini   Gloria Grandolini
Thanks Karen for your suggestion   Posted: 07/23/2024 15:27:27