Jay Denny  

Primary addition by Jay Denny

March 2025 - Primary addition

About the Image(s)

This abandoned bus is parked next to a house in Franz Josephy, NZ. The colors and the juxtaposition of the bus/RV attracted my attention. The front wind screen has travel-related posters which enhanced my desire to shoot this.
Any success is owed to "Denoise" in LightRoom.

ISO 10,000, 46mm F4 1/40 sec.

2 comments posted

Susan Lincke   Susan Lincke
The front windows of the bus are really cool - they look at first glance to be a highlighted reflection of scenery, instead of posters. Also, you lightened this up nicely for the darkness that this was taken in.
On the down side, it took me a while to find the front windows, which to me appear to be the most interesting aspect of the photo. I wonder if chopping off some of the darker parts of the photo - like the bottom, and then playing a little with the left or right - might get the viewer to those front windows faster, instead of quickly moving on to another photo.   Posted: 03/11/2025 10:49:22

Leslie Larson   Leslie Larson
Nice texture on the bus. For me, I would have liked to see more of the back of the bus. Not exactly sure this belongs in travel, because there is nothing to suggest where it is. However, it's a great old, rusty bus. THe posters are confusing as they look like reflections. Does make one look though.   Posted: 03/11/2025 14:18:02


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