Pinaki Sarkar  

Summer Garden by Pinaki Sarkar

September 2024 - Summer Garden

About the Image(s)

f29, 1/1125, ISO-1800, 500mm. Processed through lightroom 6 and NIK
This was shot at a local aroboretum

4 comments posted

Graham Harris
Great combination of yellow and green colours in this image. These analogous colours really produce a harmonious effect despite the business of the subject. Can you tell me what the yellow flowering plant is - I'm not familiar with it?   Posted: 09/08/2024 21:45:51
Pinaki Sarkar   Pinaki Sarkar
Not a Biologist so I am not an expert in this field. I did a Google age search for this from Wiki...Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) is a perennial, herbaceous flowering plant in the genus Tanacetum in the aster family, native to temperate Europe and Asia. It has been introduced to other parts of the world, including North want to check it out.I shot this at our local arboretum in NY.   Posted: 09/09/2024 07:25:08

Raj Panandiker   Raj Panandiker
excellent color juxtaposition with yellow and green. It does look like camera focused on the leaves at the bottom. To me, the fruits look a bit out of focus.   Posted: 09/10/2024 17:17:07

Lillian Roberts   Lillian Roberts

Nicely seen, and I agree that the colors really pop. I suspect that the berries are fuzzy and so never really appear to be "in focus," or they might have been waving slightly with a breeze.

That said, it's hard to see anything that really is in focus, so you might want to try a sharpening program to bring up the detail a bit more.

Unfortunately, my eye has trouble finding a place to settle. There is no real point of interest, and the subject just sort of runs off the edge on the top and left. I can't see any intent in your cropping and composition decisions. All this leads me to wonder what the photo is actually about?
  Posted: 09/16/2024 21:02:05


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