Jim Bodkin, APSA, PPSA  

Mom and Daughter Resting  by Jim Bodkin, APSA, PPSA

September 2024 - Mom and Daughter Resting

About the Image(s)

The candy store for photographers that the Galapagos Islands represent is almost limitless. During my second trip there I found the sea lions on Genovesa Island very approachable and extremely photogenic.

This mother and daughter completely ignored the 5-6 surrounding photographers and continue their nap on the beach. We were able to be within 6 feet of them with they experiencing no fear nor alarm. In fact, while photographing these two, I had another pup sniffing at my shoe. I had to be careful not to step on it. Such is the wonderful photography experience on the islands. I liked the bonding, the sense of peacefulness, and the simple composition of the image.

Captured with Canon 7D with Tamron 16-300mm set at 267mm, f/10, and 1/500 sec handheld. There was literally no post-processing other than slight noise reduction and slight sharpening.

3 comments posted

Raj Panandiker   Raj Panandiker
Very nice image. sharp; nice story as well. I wonder if this image could have looked even better if it was shot at a lower angle and with more room on the right?   Posted: 09/10/2024 17:10:24

Graham Harris
I really like the tight crop you have used - filling the frame with the two subjects. You have really removed any background distractions with the framing you have used. A good nature story of these two sea lions resting without fear.   Posted: 09/10/2024 18:30:00

Lillian Roberts   Lillian Roberts
Jim, I envy your trip to the Galapagos! I went many years ago - as I recall it was the first trip where I didn't use film at all, so that's how long ago it was. I hope to go back.

I love the simple intimacy of this image. The clean BG of the sand eliminates all distraction and the viewer can't help but smile a little looking at this pair. Normally you want eyes open for most subjects, but in this case the closed eyes tell the story.

The angle works for me as it emphasizes the nice curves of their shoulders leading to the faces, but a lower angle would have given us an even more intimate connection with the subject. That would have been a different successful image, not necessarily a better one IMHO.

Lillian   Posted: 09/12/2024 08:50:14


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