Stan Bormann, FPSA, MPSA  

Landmark Center by Stan Bormann, FPSA, MPSA

October 2024 - Landmark Center

About the Image(s)

The Landmark Center is on Rice Park in downtown St. Paul, MN. The building completed in 1902 has been the Post Office, Courthouse, Customs House and has housed Federal judges and the FBI. St Paul was notorious during prohibition because the city told the gangsters that they could stay in the city as long as they did not break the law in the city. This was a safe place when they weren't working in Chicago. This building is where the effort to solve the problem was centered. It was saved from the wrecking ball by concerned citizens.

3 comments posted

Michele Borgarelli   Michele Borgarelli
Really like this image Stan. The square format is perfect for this building, the use of a wide angle create some nice distortion effect and the sky a great contrast with the building.I am amazed by the fact there is no one (people of car) captured in the photo. An excellent work all together.

best wishes

Michele   Posted: 10/12/2024 16:16:36
Adrian Binney   Adrian Binney
Michele - I find it very interesting what you say here about the distortion effect from wide angle lenses. My natural instinct is to try and minimise this where possible in the taking of the image (seeking a higher viewpoint, or going further away), or more often, using software in PP. am I wrong here?

My instinct relative to Stan's image here for example would be to adjust the verticals slightly so that the buildings on the right tie in with the right edge. I may well be wrong!   Posted: 10/21/2024 12:47:37

Adrian Binney   Adrian Binney
Stan. Great study of an interesting building with again interesting sky. Thank you for the narrative too.   Posted: 10/21/2024 12:40:56


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