David Stout, EPSA, EFIAP
September 2024 - Vimy Ridge
Original 2
About the Image(s)
A unique location to be standing on Canadian soil - in France! This magnificent monument is a tribute to the thousands of Canadian troops who fell in this theatre of conflict during World War 1, the French Government gave the land to Canada in recognition.
The figures carved into the columns are known as Pieta - angels who carry dead warriors to heaven, I took close ups to show the expression of sorrow in the faces.
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6 comments posted
Shirley Bormann
How beautiful, David. I have never seen this. Where is it? I appreciate the beautiful detailed images as well. Nice composition, great skies and beautifully done.
  Posted: 09/04/2024 11:12:23
  Posted: 09/04/2024 11:12:23
David Stout
Vimy Ridge lies between Lille and Lens in North East France. I was in the Flanders and Somme districts taking photographs of memorials in areas where the Coldstream Guards fought. However as I was en route from Flanders (Lille) to the Somme (Amiens), I called in at Vimy.
Attached to this reply is a reason I was sent - the headstone of L/Cpl.Jackson,VC of the Coldstream Guards. My assignment took 2 weeks!   Posted: 09/04/2024 15:12:02
Attached to this reply is a reason I was sent - the headstone of L/Cpl.Jackson,VC of the Coldstream Guards. My assignment took 2 weeks!   Posted: 09/04/2024 15:12:02
Michael Smith
A very beautiful memorial and beautifully photographed. You had a wonderful sky to help accent the white stone. I'm glad that you added the Pieta. It really helped understand memorial.   Posted: 09/13/2024 09:31:02
Esther Steffens
This is an excellent image and as always, the lighting is just right. I have spent a lot of time with Original 2. The details and textures are outstanding. Thanks for sharing, David.   Posted: 09/16/2024 21:32:20
N. Sukumar
Very impressive monument, set off against the blue sky. I think the is modeled after Michelangelo's Madonna della Pietà. I wonder why the sculptor/architect had the two top figures facing inwards rather than towards the viewers in front.   Posted: 09/17/2024 01:44:48
Judy Burr
Beautiful lighting as always! I appreciate all the details you have given us. I have seen military cemeteries in several places, but the only one I remember in France is the village Oradour-sur-Glane; I don't think I will ever forget that place.
The details you provided are a nice addition and show the detail very well. It is a striking photograph. Well done.   Posted: 09/23/2024 14:36:40
The details you provided are a nice addition and show the detail very well. It is a striking photograph. Well done.   Posted: 09/23/2024 14:36:40