Shirley Bormann, APSA, EPSA  

"Harvesting Water Hibiscus" by Shirley Bormann, APSA, EPSA

October 2024 - "Harvesting Water Hibiscus"

About the Image(s)

Harvesting by a local fishermen/farmer as we were cruising on Inle Lake. Taken at f/8 1/640 sec at ISO 200 in afternoon sun. I have only received several acceptances on this image and suppose it might be because the subject is right in the middle of the image. Any other suggestions for improvements? Thank you.

6 comments posted

Alan Lichtenstein   Alan Lichtenstein
(Group 4)
Shirley, as a member of group 4, I don't usually intrude on another study group, but I couldn't ignore your question. I went to Inle lake some years ago, and captured an image in the fog of one of the traditional fisherman with his foot around the oar and holding the net. I thought I captured exactly what and how they fish. My group thought it might have been staged( it wasn't), but I submitted the image for competition and not only did it get no acceptances, but it got low scores in relation to the cut-off. Go figure what prejudices the judges in any contest come to the bar with. So I would say, consider yourself lucky you got acceptances.   Posted: 10/04/2024 15:31:23
Esther Steffens
ALAN, I had the same experience at Inle Lake with the fisherman in the fog in the stance you described. I realize now that MY photo WAS staged. I'll have to look at my
Myanmar photos again! I can't remember what scores they got!   Posted: 10/07/2024 22:12:34

Esther Steffens
Shirley, I do think this image is a bit busy and yes, there is the man in the middle, but I love it! I like the reflections in the water, the hills and the structure on the left. I tried cropping all the houses on the left but it looked cut off. I like the right side cropped to the light roof. Just a thought!
I have looked at this photo many times!   Posted: 10/07/2024 23:05:39

Michael Smith   Michael Smith
Shirley, I love this photo. I personally would not change a thing, to get the subject off center.
I have found that there is such a variance between judgings regarding the same photo. What one judge likes, the others don't. Very subjective on what gets accepted.

I am not familiar with Inle Lake, but I assume that it would be difficult to get this photograph today in Myanmar?   Posted: 10/19/2024 13:55:44

David Stout   David Stout
A very fine travel image Shirley, having been there I can tell this is "life on the lake". I think your main subject is just enough off centre and the structures on both edges help frame your composition, and the reflection adds much interest in the lower part of your frame. I took something similar but have not entered a salon with it yet!   Posted: 10/20/2024 15:16:51
Comment Image

Rich Krebs   Rich Krebs
Great image. The only suggestion is wait and see if she would face you. Probably a long wait since the boat is headed away from you.   Posted: 10/21/2024 14:08:11


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