David Stout, EPSA  

Basilica sistern, Istanbul by David Stout, EPSA

October 2024 - Basilica sistern, Istanbul

About the Image(s)

A cavernous construction used as a source of water should Constantinople fall under siege. Testing lighting conditions meant an iso of 1600, and my trusty monopod assisted picture taking until I was pulled aside by a security guard tipped off by a Russian tourist!!!
While struggling with my DSLR I noticed people`s phones either side of me were showing stunning images so - once again, I submit a photograph from my Samsung.


6 comments posted

Esther Steffens
My phone camera works well in various lighting situations where my big camera may not. I remember trying to get pictures at Longwood Gardens at night with the Canon and I wasn't happy with the results. I got out my iPhone (and this was a while ago so it was an early phone camera) and it did a good job. This is an interesting photo and the lighting is very appealing and draws me in. The combination of green and red/orange is the perfect pairing. I do wish I could see more of the figure.
  Posted: 10/16/2024 22:21:06

Michael Smith   Michael Smith
Beautiful photo from your smartphone, under difficult lighting conditions. I really like the extremes of the color range. It is a very interesting sculpture and although a little difficult to make out, it appears to be a man. Any explanation of its significance?   Posted: 10/19/2024 13:46:22

David Stout   David Stout
Michael, there are two columns that feature the head of Medusa - turned and inverted to avoid direct eye contact that, mythology tells us, turns humans into stone! There are also contemporary statues that have been added I assume to add mystery to this unique location.
https://www.basilicacistern.gen.tr/inside/   Posted: 10/20/2024 06:06:28
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David Stout   David Stout
An upright head of Medusa, took a chance on not being turned to stone for this one!!!!!   Posted: 10/20/2024 06:11:43
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Rich Krebs   Rich Krebs
I Like the images. Yes, smartphones can do amazing things. The latter image is great and shows a lot of detail. Was the light from the phone?   Posted: 10/21/2024 14:03:54
David Stout   David Stout
Rich - I never use flash, I simply took advantage of the interior lighting. That particular statue was set back in an alcove with, I assume, a single light trained on it.   Posted: 10/22/2024 04:23:49


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