Judy Burr, APSA, MPSA  

Gondolf Gate by Judy Burr, APSA, MPSA

January 2025 - Gondolf Gate

About the Image(s)

I took this in Germany on a trip following the Mosel River. I used an Olympus EM5 with 14-150 lens at 40mm. SS was 1/640, f 10 and ISO 250. I straightened it as much as possible without cutting off the part of the tower that is close to the edge. I should take more care when shooting as David does!

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6 comments posted

David Stout   David Stout
The rules of taking PT images, as well as the modern fascination and determination to put hideous traffic signs on beautiful buildings is SO frustrating!!!
Your photograph is crisp and sharp, accurately exposed, and ignoring the unavoidable red and white stripes (I cropped the bright yellow house on the right hand side), is well composed with the road providing a fine lead in. A fine photograph Judy.   Posted: 01/22/2025 15:56:13
Comment Image

Michael Smith   Michael Smith
Judy, a very nice image and I agree with David's crop although the yellow house wasn't a distraction to me. Do you have any idea of the age of the structure or what is its purpose. It looks like it should be a hotel currently, but maybe it is a private residence. I wonder if it was built before the road or after, and why over it? Very interesting. Very sharp image.   Posted: 01/23/2025 08:08:19
Judy Burr   Judy Burr
I had to search to find out what the structure was! Two villages merged and there are several castles in the area. I believe this is or was part of a castle. There is a lot of beauty along the Mosel.   Posted: 01/25/2025 12:33:22

N. Sukumar   N. Sukumar
Interesting structure. The leading diagonals of the railing and the road take the viewer's eyes right to the heart of the image. Pity about those signs, but the defacement would be worse if motorists were to crash into the building! The little yellow house doesn't bother me either. Gate seems to imply it was/is part of a larger structure. Is the rest of the castle still standing?   Posted: 01/25/2025 23:26:36

Esther Steffens
This is a very interesting and appealing building! The small yellow house on the right is both appealing and distracting! My eye does go there but I am mainly focusing on the building. The road, the sidewalk and the railing lead to the "castle." I have no suggestions for this sharp and well composed image.

  Posted: 01/26/2025 22:08:24

Shirley Bormann   Shirley Bormann
This is a pretty building and looks like it was an important building. I don't like the red/white flags ether but what cn you do in PT. The fence on the right side and the painted lines in the road do lead the eye right to the huge building. The sky is attractive too. nice composition and shsrp.   Posted: 01/30/2025 22:35:59