Gloria Grandolini  



About the Image(s)

This is another image from my trip to Puglia.
Puglia’s defining landscape feature are thousands of very ancient olive trees.
Although other Italian Regions have a tradition of olive trees
the Puglia ones are particularly ancient and with very interesting shapes.

This particular one caught my eye. It truly looked like a sculpture.
And also had a defying attitude and an almost human form if one used the imagination.

2 questions:

1. Would you agree it is a Travel photo even if it is “just” an olive tree

2. I struggled with the sky. Those days were pretty gray and I wish there was more blue or texture in the sky.
Are there suggestions to improve the sky while keeping with the rules of the Travel group?
I did try a version using the sky masking feature of Lightroom, but I understand that it
would not meet the guidelines. I also tried B&W but I really likes the browns and greens.

Shot with Canon R5 handheld
42 mm with RF 24-105 F4 L IS USM
1/500 at f/10 ISO 640

Minimal editing with Lightroom - little cropping on both sides the right side, and adjusted exposure and whites/blacks.

10 comments posted

Richard Distlerath   Richard Distlerath
As you said, Puglia's defining landscape feature very ancient olive trees. These trees are distinctive to the area. I would say that this photo is a travel photo.

I followed your recipe and masked the sky. Then I pushed the white balance toward blue. I am not qualified to 'rule' on legality. My understanding is you may change things like hue and satuation. Shifting the white balance seems innocent to me.

Then I simply did what you suggested and cropped a great deal of the sky. Now the image has a bit more feel of pano landscape.

BTW my Italian uncle gave me a gallon of black olives for a Christmas present. My nickname was the olive kid.

So I really like your image!   Posted: 10/02/2024 19:17:21
Comment Image
Gloria Grandolini   Gloria Grandolini
Thank you! much better - I just did not know the limits of what to change to qualify for the group. Love your nickname - my consumption of olive oil is off the charts...   Posted: 10/12/2024 15:28:18

Alistair How   Alistair How
(Group 2)
Looks a bit like Fanal in Madeira. Personally I think mono might help solve the grey sky issue. I always find that separation to isolate an iconic tree makes the best shot but it's not always possible in a tight setting like this   Posted: 10/03/2024 01:18:07
Gloria Grandolini   Gloria Grandolini
thanks I think I will keep both versions, solo and mono.   Posted: 10/12/2024 15:28:47

Lillian Roberts   Lillian Roberts

I really like this image. I have never been to that location and it is not one that is heavily represented in PT competitions. Therefore, it will likely gain acceptances simply because it's unusual. I like the really eye-catching tree in the center foreground, though it feels a little off-balance as the right side of the image is kind of weak. I agree with Richard's editing suggestions, it really helps the sky and I also feel that the changes are within the guidelines.

I wonder if you have any frames where you moved to your right, bringing the two sides into more compositional balance? As I said, I think this works as is, but there may be some stronger possibilities in your archives.

I agree with trying this in Monochrome, that had not occurred to me. If nothing else, you will then have another image for another division.

Lillian   Posted: 10/09/2024 18:10:36
Gloria Grandolini   Gloria Grandolini
thanks Lillian - I did take many images of that site. I will try to find a more balanced composition for a version that I can print.   Posted: 10/12/2024 15:29:43

Karen Sharpe   Karen Sharpe
I don't have much more to add.The tree is interesting but I agree with you and the others that the sky is than ideal. Richard's edits improve on it somewhat but it's just a grey day.   Posted: 10/11/2024 11:46:20
Gloria Grandolini   Gloria Grandolini
Yep - that is the challenge of the Travel Division!   Posted: 10/12/2024 15:30:08

Donna Beasley   Donna Beasley
Nice shot of what looks like an ancient tree. Nothing to add as everyone has touched on the sky.   Posted: 10/13/2024 18:13:21
Gloria Grandolini   Gloria Grandolini
Thanks Donna   Posted: 10/14/2024 17:55:40


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