Stan Bormann, FPSA, MPSA  

Gate to Bordeaux by Stan Bormann, FPSA, MPSA

February 2024 - Gate to Bordeaux

About the Image(s)

Shot with iPhone 14 Pro at ISO 200, 6mm, f/2, 1/1500 sec of the main gate to Bordeaux France in June 2023at 4:43 pm. Processed in Lightroom Classic with moderate tonal adjustments, perspective set, and crop.
The cellphones give surprising settings with their small sensors and high shutter speeds which results in excellent depth of field even at f/2

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6 comments posted

Michele Borgarelli   Michele Borgarelli
Definitely a travel/documentary image Stan. I agree it shows the power reached by the phone cameras. The image is sharp but to me lack a little of character and it looks like more a snapshot.

Kind regards

Michele   Posted: 02/16/2024 11:25:04

Tom Lee   Tom Lee
Hi Stan, I agree with Michele about snapshot, and in addition, I personally prefer an image like this to be centered, that is the structure of the gate, but that's just me.   Posted: 02/22/2024 08:09:26

Adrian Binney   Adrian Binney
Nice shot Stan   Posted: 02/22/2024 15:50:51
Sherry Weinstein
Stan, first of all, I love Bordeaux (the city, not the wine) and I love the architecture of the gate to the city. While I can appreciate the other comments, I think that by making the central focus of the gate somewhat off-center keeps it from looking like a picture postcard, on which it would have been perfectly centered and ridiculed because of that. You were at just the right position to capture not only the architectural detail of the gate, but to frame it with the more ordinary but still interesting buildings. Terrific image.   Posted: 02/24/2024 00:58:17
Adrian Binney   Adrian Binney
Very interesting comments here. Thank you for these.   Posted: 02/24/2024 04:51:11

Nancy Axelrod   Nancy Axelrod
Stan, I'm afraid that I agree with those who say that this image lacks much impact. But I understand that it is difficult to infuse much creativity or originality to a straightforward architectural shot.   Posted: 02/24/2024 17:14:29