Tom Lee  

Passage of Rijks Museum by Tom Lee

June 2024 - Passage of Rijks Museum

About the Image(s)

Description: This image is the passage of Rijks Museum in Amsterdam, captured in November 2023.
Camera: Panasonic G9 with Leica 12-60 mm Lens
Metadata: 1/60 sec at f/5.6, ISO 300, focal length 13 mm, aperture priority, spot metering
Exp Comp: -0.33 ev

Processing: I used Lightroom to set the basic tone and then utilized Photo AI to remove noise. The monochrome conversion was done with Nik Silver Efex where grain was added (back). Upon returning to Lightroom, I further refined the image through selective dodging and burning to enhance its overall appeal.

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5 comments posted

Dr. Isaac Vaisman   Dr. Isaac Vaisman
(Group 4)
Tom, you were lucky to find this covered passage almost empty of people. When we visited the museum there were hundreds of people all the time. Also, I like your B&W treatment. It gives some degree of mystery to the image.   Posted: 06/11/2024 19:58:55

Michele Borgarelli   Michele Borgarelli
Tom, this image is an excellent interpretation of the iconic location in Amsterdam. Your composition is rendering well the architecture of this passage and I like the cyclist placed in a strategic position in your composition.
All together a great image.

Best wishes

Michele   Posted: 06/17/2024 22:54:33

Sherry Weinstein
Tom, I have to agree w/Isaac on this that going w/B&W certainly provided a degree of mystery to the image and the scene. I also agree w/Michele about catching the cyclist at just the right spot. Terrific image!   Posted: 06/18/2024 00:54:24

Adrian Binney   Adrian Binney
Tom, this is a skilfully developed image. I don't know how it came out of the camera, but it is a huge success to leave the scene as dim throughout, but with enough light to take the eye through the image, to the cyclist and beyond. There are many people to the right but they don't feature or detract at all. Well done!   Posted: 06/21/2024 13:07:57

Nancy Axelrod   Nancy Axelrod
Tom, Your decision to render this in black and white was spot on. The leading lines taking you to the brightly lit courtyard worked very well. Are there two more cyclists coming toward you? I like the air of mystery that your processing leant to the image.   Posted: 06/27/2024 12:39:54