Nancy Axelrod  

Traditional Irish music in a pub. by Nancy Axelrod

July 2024 - Traditional Irish music in a pub.

July 2024 - Nancy Axelrod


About the Image(s)

The pub was very crowded and it was difficult to maneuver into a position where I could include more of the traditional Irish drum (percussion instrument) or the faces of the musicians that were nearest to me, but this was the best I could do. The pub was rather dark, which is why I needed to employ the following parameters: Sony a6400 camera (APS-C) with an 18-105mm lens at 18mm (27mm equivalent), 1/25” (I applied Topaz Sharpen to remove slight motion blur), f/4.0, ISO 4000 (Denoise was apparently not necessary. Some noise was removed when I applied Topaz sharpen/motion blur correction.).

The auxiliary photo shows the fiddler. Being a classically trained violinist, I asked her if she would teach me a fiddle tune or two. She agreed to do so, but only if I provided my own instrument which, unfortunately, was back in the US. Sigh...

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3 comments posted

Michele Borgarelli   Michele Borgarelli
Nancy, this is a very nice image the convey well the atmosphere of a pub. Details such the beers on the table and the instruments let the viewer to guess this was taken in Ireland.


Michele   Posted: 07/13/2024 16:00:59

Stan Bormann   Stan Bormann
You were in a difficult situation with low light and little or no working room. You did well to document a scene that was clearly important to you. With the combination of high ISO, low shutter speed and probably movement in the scene it seems to have a bit of a combination of motion blur and/or noise. Still an important documentation of a treasured evening.   Posted: 07/17/2024 17:33:47

Adrian Binney   Adrian Binney
Well done Nancy here - your image does show the atmosphere and feeling of the traditional bar with the packed walls. No Guinness drinkers I note!   Posted: 07/19/2024 01:58:29