Mandy Vien  

Merchant Travel by Mandy Vien

July 2024 - Merchant Travel

About the Image(s)

A local merchant in Istanbul Turkey. Our group visits the Eminonu square, a local area with many side streets lined with clothing boutiques, spice market, coffee, Turkist Delights, souvenir merchants and many more.
ISO: 640
1/320 Sec

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11 comments posted

Alan Lichtenstein   Alan Lichtenstein
Turkey is full of street markets and the merchants are the consummate bargainers. Your image, with a merchant and likely a tourist, captures the theme of the local street merchants with everything to sell. The image is well composed and sharp with details. It tells the story of turkey being a place of merchants. I just hope the customer bargained and got a good deal as well.   Posted: 07/01/2024 14:12:53

Vinaya Mathews   Vinaya Mathews
Nice sharp, colourful photo captured in good light, portraying the culture of Turkey. I would have preferred some more space to the right side of the consumer   Posted: 07/05/2024 07:03:01

Dr Edward Goldenberg   Dr Edward Goldenberg
I have been to Turkey and this is a good representation and they surely are experts at bargaining. I agree with Vinaya that the focus would be on the interaction of the people and giving more space on the right and cropping on the left would have improved the focus. The merchants eyes were closed and this could have been addressed in PP   Posted: 07/06/2024 18:39:21

Dr. Isaac Vaisman   Dr. Isaac Vaisman
Mandy, indeed an iconic image as stated before. I think you have to much additional information which is not helping the main subject to stand out, so I did crop the image from my left and a little from the bottom. I tried to make the the verticals fully straight but it takes away more spsce of the client at the edge. Obviously you were more interested in all the goods for sale, rather the individuals. Now they stand out slightly more.   Posted: 07/07/2024 12:33:07
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Tom Tauber   Tom Tauber
Mandy, I agree with the above comments. The interesting thing about your image is that although it is cluttered, it does have a focal point that draws the eye. It's the vendor with the red shirt next to the red table and the customer in front of them. That should have been the main subject of the image. The display behind the vendor would be the backdrop for the scene. If you crop it severely as shown you can even see that the vendor is laughing and the other one seems to be smiling as he looks at his phone - perhaps he just asked the vendor for directions? This crop brings out a story. It would have been even better if there was more space on the right.   Posted: 07/07/2024 14:47:01
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Mandy Vien   Mandy Vien
Thank you all for your suggestion, cropping the left side lead viewer to the conversation between the merchant and the potential customer. The image was taken outside a wall. Your idea of cropping out the left lead me to think this new crop may tell a better story about the location. What do you think?   Posted: 07/07/2024 22:08:32
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Alan Lichtenstein   Alan Lichtenstein
Mandy, I actually like the image you created standing outside the wall better. You don't say what you did as far as metering is concerned, but if you metered spot and created the image IMV, it would have been more dramatic as the walls would have created a frame. You then could have focused in to get the merchant and the customer in focus.   Posted: 07/08/2024 06:44:20

Mandy Vien   Mandy Vien
  Posted: 07/07/2024 22:08:40
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Dr Edward Goldenberg   Dr Edward Goldenberg
Mandy I like your new image but have changed the crop.

Alan what is IMV>   Posted: 07/08/2024 10:44:40
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Alan Lichtenstein   Alan Lichtenstein
Ed, IMV is an acronym that harks back to the days prior to the proprietary sites when the only source of bulletin boards was the public site of over 50,000 newsgroups termed Usenet, which is still in use today. It stands for "In My View." Acronyms were commonly employed by participants and there are many others that old newsgroups followers still employ.   Posted: 07/11/2024 06:14:09
Mandy Vien   Mandy Vien
Hi Dr. Goldenberg, I like the way you crop the image. It allows viewer to see the environment.
  Posted: 07/17/2024 16:11:59