Vinaya Mathews, PPSA  

Krishna Holi by Vinaya Mathews, PPSA

July 2024 - Krishna Holi

About the Image(s)

During the famous Holi festival (the festival of colours) of India, this lady was engrossed in singing Lord Krishna bhajan (devotional song). That time, one small boy is throwing colour (powder) on her. The expressions on the face of the boy & yellow - red combo made a frame for me.

Exif : f 5.6, 1/40, ISO 1250 Canon 6D 24-105 lens

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19 comments posted

Alan Lichtenstein   Alan Lichtenstein
Culture is one of the reasons we travel. Your image certainly captures the intensity of the festival. You managed to capture the yellow powder exploding near the lady in your central image. I'm a fan of bright colors but I am wondering if your image was either over-processed or taken with the "wrong" white balance or dialed up the RGB to emphasize the red, as the red seems to bleed into the bystanders in the background rather than showing them as discrete individuals. You don't give any information as to WB or RGB settings or what and how you post-processed the image. I frequently use the "wrong" white balance to emphasize a color and it appears that is what you may have done with this image. But the image does capture the cultural intensity of the festival, and that of course, is the primary goal.   Posted: 07/01/2024 14:38:15
Vinaya Mathews   Vinaya Mathews
Thank you Alan for your detailed analysis. My other images attached herewith will explain you why all ladies there were in red colours. I keep WB on auto. This was in the temple, light was low but flash was not allowed   Posted: 07/02/2024 09:58:39
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Vinaya Mathews   Vinaya Mathews
  Posted: 07/02/2024 09:59:13
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Dr. Isaac Vaisman   Dr. Isaac Vaisman
Vinaya, thank you very much for sharing these images with us. They depict a real cultural and ethnic festival. I have in my to do list one day to photograph this festival of colors. I just wonder how much color dust really gets into the camera and lens, or you kept your camera inside a clear wrapping of some sort. Your main image shows us the young population participating and having a good time. It also looks to me that the floor is wet and the color powder bleeds intensifying the saturation of the colors which to me look pretty much natural and not oversaturated.   Posted: 07/02/2024 13:38:40
Vinaya Mathews   Vinaya Mathews
Thank you, Isaac. In India, Holi, the festival of colour gets celebrated in different way in different areas /states of India. The photos I shared here is of the Holi festival captured in Jodhpur, Rajastan. Yes, taking care of equipment is very challenging.   Posted: 07/05/2024 05:46:35
Tom Tauber   Tom Tauber
I attended a Ganesh festival in Gujarat and had to beg them not to throw the powder at my cameras. As for the colors, those powders are indeed very strong. God knows what's in those powders.   Posted: 07/07/2024 14:32:32

Dr Edward Goldenberg   Dr Edward Goldenberg
Vinay great representation of culture and dynamic color. I had never heard of such an event. Have you personally participated. Are you ready to lead a group to India?   Posted: 07/06/2024 18:26:42
Vinaya Mathews   Vinaya Mathews
Yes, of course, Dr, what I share, all photos are taken by me. Holi, the festival of colours is celebrated differently in different parts of India. The most famous is of Vrindavan.

The one I shared is of Jodhpur. it is celebrated in temples & the priests of the temple throw the coloured water on the devotees. The devotees keep on singing the devotional songs of Krishna. The whole atmosphere is of drenching in the devotion of Krishna   Posted: 07/09/2024 03:58:02
Vinaya Mathews   Vinaya Mathews
You asking me to lead for India tour is my honour. But knowing my commitments on home front, it may not be possible for me. But I have one very good friend, Mr Ssaurabh A Chatterjee ( can help you out in this. He is very good human being, traveller & experienced photographer. Very recently, he took a group of foreign photographer to 40 days centre India's tribal tour.   Posted: 07/09/2024 04:04:03

Pinaki Sarkar   Pinaki Sarkar
(Group 5)
Nice photo. Good expression. Colors are little over saturated.   Posted: 07/07/2024 09:31:16
Vinaya Mathews   Vinaya Mathews
Thank you Pinaki. I will chk the saturation   Posted: 07/09/2024 04:05:43

Tom Tauber   Tom Tauber
India is the most colorful country on earth because of the women's saris and those festivals. I like how you captured the spiritual expression and body language of the woman and the cloud of yellow powder. I would crop the image as shown to focus more tightly on the two main characters.   Posted: 07/07/2024 14:36:16
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Vinaya Mathews   Vinaya Mathews
yes, Tom, I like your crop. Thanks a lot   Posted: 07/09/2024 04:07:31

Mandy Vien   Mandy Vien
Wow, nice image Vinaya. I like both the feature woman image as well as the image with the colour power throwing on top of the group sitting down. I just wonder how do you protect your camera during the event?
  Posted: 07/07/2024 22:13:37
Vinaya Mathews   Vinaya Mathews
Thank you v much for your appreciation. Yes, taking care of the equipment is truly challenging   Posted: 07/09/2024 03:52:45

Dr Edward Goldenberg   Dr Edward Goldenberg
Vinay's thank you for the contact. What is your full time job?   Posted: 07/09/2024 06:06:02
Vinaya Mathews   Vinaya Mathews
I am a retired banker. Now managing home & following my passion i.e. photography is my life   Posted: 07/10/2024 04:02:35

Pamela Liu   Pamela Liu
Vinaya, this is a great image, I especially appreciate the panning part. Excellent!!   Posted: 07/11/2024 04:39:13
Vinaya Mathews   Vinaya Mathews
Thanks a lot, but no panning in any image.   Posted: 07/14/2024 22:53:55