Pamela Liu, PPSA, EFIAP  

Traditional Dance by Pamela Liu, PPSA, EFIAP

July 2024 - Traditional Dance

About the Image(s)

Young girls perform a traditional dance in Guizhou's BaSha Miao Village. Basha Miao Village is China's last gunner tribe, retaining its ancient and primitive lifestyle due to its remote location. I visited the village in April, 2014, and my gear is Canon R5, 24-240, ISO 200, F6.3, 1/50s

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6 comments posted

Alan Lichtenstein   Alan Lichtenstein
Pamela, your image is sharp and does tell a story. It appears that there were somewhat shady conditions when you created the image, hence the low ISO and shutter speed. The image might have been improved had you recalibrated and used a faster shutter speed to avoid the slight blur of the fans. doing that would have required a higher ISO, but even so, it would not have been so high as to make noise a problem. Also, it appears you took this image rather close; it might have been better had you stepped back and gotten the entire group. Overall, it's a good and colorful image.   Posted: 07/10/2024 14:51:57
Pamela Liu   Pamela Liu
Alan, I intentionally shoot with a slow shutter speed to demonstrate their dance's movement and flow. The technology I used was called panning. It was a challenge to make sure the faces on the dances were still sharp and clear in the crowd. This was a live performance, and the field was rather small, so I could not step further. But you are right, I should use a shorter lens instead.   Posted: 07/11/2024 04:37:42
Pamela Liu   Pamela Liu
Alan, I intentionally shoot with a slow shutter speed to demonstrate their dance's movement and flow. The technology I used was called panning. It was a challenge to make sure the faces on the dances were still sharp and clear in the crowd. This was a live performance, and the field was rather small, so I could not step further. But you are right, I should use a shorter lens instead.   Posted: 07/11/2024 04:37:43
Alan Lichtenstein   Alan Lichtenstein
Pamela, first of all, I'm glad you submitted an image for this month. I did initially miss you, as you generally post images that have a story behind them which is interesting in itself, and which I enjoy reading. I generally prefer clear, sharp images, but I see that your creative view wanted to emphasize the motion without sacrificing clarity, and clearly you achieved that. IOW, a little blur can sometimes add to the image, as your explanation clearly intended <G>.   Posted: 07/11/2024 06:31:13

Dr. Isaac Vaisman   Dr. Isaac Vaisman
Pamela, thank you for sharing this image of a culture which we would never see otherwise. It is completely understandable for me that creating images in well attended festivals is very difficult, short of including the bystanders in the frame. You managed well the circumstances. I like the blurred arms showing that they were actually dancing. Good that their faces are sharp.   Posted: 07/13/2024 15:00:15

Mandy Vien   Mandy Vien
Hi Pamela, another image showing a true culture dance in the local village. For group dance, it is a challenge to get all faces. You obviously did that and all faces are clear and sharp.   Posted: 07/17/2024 16:17:42