Pinaki Sarkar  

Summer Male Humming Bird by Pinaki Sarkar

September 2024 - Summer Male Humming Bird

About the Image(s)

f5.6, 1/1600, ISO-1250, 500mm. Processed through lightroom 6 and NIK
This was shot at a local aroboretum

7 comments posted

Darcy Quimby   Darcy Quimby
I like the hummingbird capture great detail. What were your steps in lightroom? In my opinion the background looks overprocessed. I am also distracted by the out of focus green twig. Just my opinion.   Posted: 09/08/2024 20:28:09
Pinaki Sarkar   Pinaki Sarkar
I use NIK collection as my main processing software.   Posted: 09/09/2024 09:33:04

Raj Panandiker   Raj Panandiker
Beautiful and sharp image; good capture light. I particularly like the blur in the wings. The green twig in the back is a distraction. it almost appears that it has been blurred out and over-processed in post-processing.   Posted: 09/10/2024 16:50:29

Lillian Roberts   Lillian Roberts
(Groups 2 & 3)
Very nice moment, Pinaki! I feel that with hummers you need to either freeze the action completely, or leave enough blur so it looks deliberate. To freeze, you need about 1/4000 sec but in this case the wing blur helps tell the story and appears to be intentional.

I feel that the BG is very bright and pulls the eye away from your main subject. Those white OOF blobs are an even bigger problem. What I would di is select your subject, invert the selection and reduce the exposure, shadows and highlights on the BG. You can play around with it to get something that looks natural but still supports the subject.

Lillian   Posted: 09/10/2024 19:32:50

Debbie Porter

Nice image. At first I too thought the green branch on top was a distraction. Then I thought that I like it because the angle of the branch matches the angle of the bird and also frames it. For me, the biggest distraction are the three white blobs which Lillian provided a solution for. If you have Photoshop, you could also use the clone tool to replace the white blobs with the green from the surrounding area.   Posted: 09/15/2024 11:17:52
Lillian Roberts   Lillian Roberts
(Groups 2 & 3)
Debbie, removing elements is specifically NOT allowed in any ND image for competition. You may get by with it, but judges often request RAW files to check these things. If you get "caught" adding or removing elements by any means other than cropping, it's possible to be banned from competition altogether. I post this here for the benefit of all participants.

Here is a link to the Definitions page:   Posted: 09/15/2024 18:05:01
Lillian Roberts   Lillian Roberts
(Groups 2 & 3)
Debbie, removing elements is specifically NOT allowed in any ND image for competition. You may get by with it, but judges often request RAW files to check these things. If you get "caught" adding or removing elements by any means other than cropping, it's possible to be banned from competition altogether. I post this here for the benefit of all participants.

Here is a link to the Definitions page:   Posted: 09/15/2024 18:05:01


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