Debbie Porter  

Hey Phil, What’s That!   by Debbie Porter

September 2024 - Hey Phil, What’s That!

About the Image(s)

This image of two burrowing owls was taken at the Sonny Bono Salton Sea National Wildlife Refuge. A plane flew over and they reacted to that.

Canon EOS R6m2, 500 mm, F8, 1/4000s, ISO 1600 (yes, I know the shutter speed is strange, but I was shooting birds in flight)

Processed in Lightroom Classic – cropped, darkened the dirt, and reduced the brightness of the background.

3 comments posted

Lillian Roberts   Lillian Roberts
(Groups 2 & 3)

This is a very competitive image. You did a great job separating the birds from the BG, which is the same color. Given that monotone nature of the scene, it can be hard to do that. Because of the distance between the birds and the hill behind them, they really stand out sharply.

I also fully agree with your composition, setting the birds along the right vertical power line while they look into the image.

Finally, the birds are sharp without appearing overprocessed.

Lillian   Posted: 09/10/2024 16:34:23

Raj Panandiker   Raj Panandiker
Nice image, eye-level shot tack-sharp and background separation.

Just curious, could you get any image with their heads facing you?   Posted: 09/10/2024 16:55:29
Debbie Porter
Yes, but the bird on the ground was not right next to the one on the branch. I liked this image better because the birds are close together and this one has better lighting.   Posted: 09/15/2024 11:01:01


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