Howard Frank  

Colobus Monkeys in a tree by Howard Frank

July 2024 - Colobus Monkeys in a tree

About the Image(s)

Taken in Samburu, Kenya several years ago and just processed. Taken with my Nikon D500 and 80 to 400 lens at ISO 400, 1/80 sec and f8.0. Processed with DXO Pure Raw 4 and Lightroom.


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4 comments posted

James Nelson
Nice capture with excellent detail in both faces. f/8 was a good choice for two animals on slightly different planes. It would be nice to see a more detail in the darker parts of the bodies if these are not to dark to be opened a little.   Posted: 07/05/2024 10:32:29

Deborah Albert
(Groups 1 & 3)
I agree with James and perhaps would not crop tightly.   Posted: 07/09/2024 22:51:10

Darcy Quimby   Darcy Quimby
I am loving the faces. IMO it seems a little disjointed from the background almost like it is overprocessed. I agree with the crop there needs to be more space all around.   Posted: 07/12/2024 14:00:13

Lillian Roberts   Lillian Roberts
(Groups 2 & 3)

I also agree that your crop is very tight on this one. IMHO when shooting wild animals it's helpful to include enough of their environment to make it clear they aren't in a zoo (which I would have assumed if I were judging this image).

Although you have two individuals here, it's still mostly a "mug shot" type image, or a portrait. A stunning animal portrait can still do well in ND competition, but it has to be really special.

In this case the eyes are fairly compelling, and it's good that both animals are looking toward the camera. But you've lost detail in both the blacks and the whites, despite the favorable overcast light that should make it possible to keep both.

Lillian   Posted: 07/22/2024 08:10:39