Darcy Quimby  

I'm Hiding by Darcy Quimby

September 2024 - I'm Hiding

September 2024 - Darcy Quimby


About the Image(s)

Camera: Canon R7 Lens: Canon RF 100 - 400
1/50 f8 ISO 250 325mm Handheld I did not have a polarizing filter

I have mobility issues so to get this image was a challenge and I had lots of help from my friend. At low tide you have tide pools that are left once the water recedes. I wanted to see a sea star up close. No luck this time. I however was able to capture this crab. I had to squint to see it because it was hiding. I felt so lucky to be able to peer into this world under the sea.

Post: In ACR i decreased the highlights and increased the shadows and whites. I used point color to increase the color of the claws. I also cropped way in.
In PS I burned the rock because it was overpowering the shell of the crab. I also lightened the crab.

4 comments posted

James Nelson
A polarizinf filter might have been nice to have but none of the reflections really take away from your main subject. The caption is certainly descriptive but I can also feel-- "I'm hiding but don't mess with me. I can take care of myself" It was a good find and a nice image.   Posted: 09/07/2024 20:31:35

Debbie Porter

I can see how getting this image was a challenge. Good job. I like the color of the claws. I find the brightness of the shells on the top right a little distracting.   Posted: 09/15/2024 12:03:49

Lillian Roberts   Lillian Roberts
(Groups 2 & 3)
Darcy, I love this image. I agree a polarizer would have been nice, but it works as is. It's also different enough to make the judges pause and give it a second look. I think you have plenty of resolution to crop it in a little more.

Lillian   Posted: 09/16/2024 20:47:22
Comment Image

Howard Frank
Nice capture of a very difficult subject. I like your post processing. I agree with Lillian's crop suggestion.   Posted: 09/16/2024 21:52:11


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