Subhash Sapru, APSA, PPSA
January 2025 - Life in Sea
About the Image(s)
The image was made during my recent visit to the Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal. I was surprised to see that while the ferry was moving on its regular pace, something interesting was happening on its deck. A lady was cleaning and chopping a big fish that was to be sold to the prospective buyers. To me it appeared to be a part of life in sea. I made many shots of what she was doing.
Tech Specifications
Camera Nikon Z 6 III. Lens Nikon Z 28 mm f/2.8,
Aperture f/5 , Shutter speed 1/100s,EV -0.3., ISO Auto.
It was a bright sunny day.
3 comments posted
Ardeth Carlson
This is an interesting activity, and the woman's style of dress and pose and the unusual setting add to the feeling of the image. Obviously the bright sun made it difficult to handle the lighting, so the details in the porthole are blown out, and the colors seem to be washed out somewhat. It probably was also a challenge to get a viewpoint where the man in the front was either more of the action or excluded, but the lack of sharpness in his figure and the odd cutoff at the bottom detracts a bit from the composition. In my suggested edits, I lowered the exposure and highlights, straightened the lines a bit using the Transform/Warp tool, and cropped some of the right side, which to me doesn't add to the story, as the ropes, porthole, rough flooring, and orange canister with a fish flopping over the edge all provide a view of the setting.   Posted: 01/06/2025 09:53:12
Leslie Larson
Personally I would have liked to see the woman and her big fish more the focus of your photo. With the man in the foreground taking most of the photo, she gets lost. Perhaps the cramped quarters didn't allow you to get a better angle? Good colors. I like what Ardeth did to straighten it.   Posted: 01/06/2025 12:07:01
Subhash Sapru
I had a very tight space to move around as there were a lot many essentials of the staff and the ferry. I did not like to tell the sailor to move away or remove any of their belongings. Thats how the life goes on there.   Posted: 01/06/2025 21:12:39