Jason Poblete  

Stuck in Time by Jason Poblete

April 2024 - Stuck in Time

About the Image(s)

Where are we going?

Florida Space Coast towns have a timeless charm despite frequent rocket launches. Locals, engineers, tourists, and foreigners gather here for the space program and beaches. This image was taken in Cocoa Village, where a barber shop run by locals serves as a meeting place. What were these two talking about? I have no clue, but it sure seemed lively. This print found a home in that barber shop where the conversation is just as good as the cut.

Tech: Manual; Fixed 50mm Nikkor lens; f/16, 1/100, RAW

Processing: Capture One 23, minimal processing, cropped

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8 comments posted

Laurie Bergner
Interesting street photo. I like your choice of black and white and the contrast of it. You might decrease the highlights to tune down that sidewalk, which fights with the rest of the picture because it's so bright. Yes, I too wonder what is going on between these two. Do they actually have a relationship or is the guy just a guy on the street trying to get her attention and she's trying to get away and ignore him? The lack of clarity makes this an interesting photo.   Posted: 04/08/2024 00:51:22
Jason Poblete
Grateful for the feedback. Thank you   Posted: 04/08/2024 03:50:49

Birgit Langmann   Birgit Langmann
I didn't catch the potential conversation because they are not on the same plane. She is ahead and he is behind. With todays' technology it is no longer odd to see someone "talking to themselves", since many have ear pods and are actually talking to someone, just not in their presence. At closer inspection, it does look like he has ear pods of sorts.

What makes it feel a bit more old time is the stucco or architecture.   Posted: 04/08/2024 17:07:47

Judith Ponti-Sgargi   Judith Ponti-Sgargi

I view this image as street photography rather than a strong photojournalism image which tells a story.

The image has informative content (old section of town with a barber shop), emotional impact (nostalgia), and reflects human presence. I see two people walking on a street. I think this is a usual situation and do not see a strong photojournalism story. The image is closer to street photography.

The image does not meet the human interest definition, that is does not show people in an interactive, emotional, or unusual and is thus more suitable to PJ general.

I think the visual impact of the image could be strengthened by globally lowering the highlights, opening the shadows, bringing more detail into some of the black areas such as the clothing, and reducing the exposure on the hair. You might also consider a different crop 2 x 3 to eliminate some of the sidewalk.   Posted: 04/11/2024 07:22:15
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Jason Poblete
Thank you, again, for your thoughtful and direct commentary on my photos. Grateful.   Posted: 04/11/2024 08:09:59

Carolyn Todd-Larson   Carolyn Todd-Larson
You mention a conversation in your description, so when you shot the photo you were also hearing something, it seems, that the photo doesn't capture. I find this scene to be quite tense. I wasn't thinking that they were familiar with each other, my first impression is she is trying to get away from a guy who is harassing her in some way. I like the barber shop in the background and the traditional barber pole. How did it look in color? Why did you decide on monochrome?   Posted: 04/14/2024 13:01:43
Jason Poblete
Thank you, Carolyn, for your feedback. Attached is the color version. I prefer black and white/monochrome - working on a project that will be all, or just about all, in monochrome. For some reason, I prefer monochrome - it filters out a lot and helps me focus on the material. I "see" my images in black and white, not sure if that make sense, as I shoot.   Posted: 04/14/2024 14:02:50
Comment Image
Carolyn Todd-Larson   Carolyn Todd-Larson
I was just thinking that perhaps the art deco nature of the colors would add something to the Old Florida feel, and I think it does. I like it both ways, but I can also see why monochrome appeals to you.   Posted: 04/14/2024 15:13:52